Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson influenced generations. Of course I had the records he made with his brothers. Then i bought the 8-track tape Off the Wall when he released that album in the late seventies. i actually wore out two copies of the 8 track and one of the vinyl. I still love this album.
Then came Thriller and MTV. Michael changed the way we listened to music. Videos became more then music, each being it's own little movie with a story to tell. I don't think I would be the person I am today if it were not for Michael drawing me to MTV and the alternative music scene. I soon began visiting First Avenue and loved to watch the Phone and the Replacements. Also started going to Bryant Lake Bowl and catching many bands there.
I feel a huge emptiness today and I am not sure of the root of these feelings. I am sad for the turns his life had taken. Whether or not the accusations were ever true, many doubted him. He was becoming a crazy, little recluse who self-mutilated with professional assistance. Do we look past his quirks and alleged crimes to appreciate the gifts he gave to the world? There is no denying his great talent. We will never see a performer of his caliber again. He touched the world and I will miss him. Something in me had always hoped he could become the great star he once was....